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NDP's Broadbent unveils federal ethics plan

From time to time I will be posting stories from the federal side of politics as well, especially when they relate to New Brunswick. In this case I think ethics in government at every level should be examined by Canadians . I would say some drastic overhaul's are in order to stem the tide of electorate cynacism.

Here is the story according to CTV:
NDP's Broadbent unveils federal ethics plan

Is it workable? Does it stand a chance in the house? Does it go to far? or not far enough? Remember, that the NDP is currently proping up the Liberal government, so I think it actually stands a hope, perhaps in some revised form. Depends on how bad the Liberals want to stay alive. Considering how their poll numbers have been slipping, I doubt they will want to take a chance on an election any time soon.
These are the 7 main points of the proposed legislation taken from the above story:

The seven-point NDP package proposes:

-MPs should not be permitted to change parties without resigning and running in a byelection.
-Election dates should be fixed and held every four years.
-Reforming the electoral process by combining proportional representation with the current first-past-the-post system.
-There should be spending limits and transparency conditions on leadership contests within political parties.
-Tougher laws to end unregulated lobbying and political cronyism.
-A fair process for government appointments to end unfair and unethical patronage practices.
-Better access-to-information legislation to make government more transparent

I especially like the first two and the last one.

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