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Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year!

Best in 2006 to everyone!!!

Thanks to everyone that frequents my little blog! You guys and gals make it worth doing. Love the debate and the comments....(even those I disagree with!) Hopefully I can improve this place in the coming year, and get more people to visit and leave their thoughts and opinions.

Question to you all. I'm not going to write about this one. What is the biggest provincial political news story of the year?? What is the biggest federal political news story of the year?? Am intrested in hearing your opinions, as we know this will be beat to death on the news etc for the next few days........let's hear you!

A very Happy New yeah to Spinks, J, little sis, Charles, vivenewbrunswick, Scott, and oh yes, who could forget anonymous......(You know who you are!!) :-) The best 2006 to you all!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Another day, another investigation.

Well, well, the RCMP have confirmed that they have launched a criminal investigation into the "alleged" release of information by the Department of Finance, related to the income trust issue.

Trading in the trusts was much heavier than normal on Nov 23rd, in the afternoon, and the announcement was made at 6:oopm. The high volume of trading drove the share prices up substantially. The speculation is, that there was a leak sometime between 2:00 and 4:00pm that afternoon. It appears that Bay street already knew the details contained in that announcement. Finance Minister Goodale maintains that there was no leak, and that his department acted properly.
Intresting stuff, and not exactly what you want to happen in the middle of an election campaign. Yet another kick in the Cahones for Martin and the Liberals.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Liberal Executive quits over blog comments.

Mike Klander, who is the executive vice-president of the Liberal Party's Ontario wing, quit over comments he made on his blog about Jack Layton, and Layton's wife, Olivia Chow.

His comments on Jack Layton:
Quote from the blog. (Now Taken Offline)

"I'm going away for a couple of days, so I thought I would find something smart and witty to put up on my blog before I left. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of anything, so I just want to say that I think Jack Layton is an a**hole ... for no reason other than it makes me feel good to say it ... and because he is."

He also posted a picture of Olivia Chow and a chow chow dog with the caption:
"Separated at birth."

Pretty uncalled for IMO. It was a personal blog, and not a party blog, but still....a bit of a black eye for the party all the same. Not the type of comment you would expect someone in an executive position to say in a public.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. Please take the time to enjoy the company of your family, friends, and all those close to you.

Also a special Merry Christmas to Premier Lord, and all of our MLA's and MP's across this country. (Yeah, Stephen Harper too....LOL). It's a thankless job sometimes, and I know they get alot of Crap........{quite a bit from me for sure)..... ;) Must be the Christmas "Spirits"

All the best to everyone.

You to Spinks!! :-D ~Big Grin
Have a good one Bud!

$250M forestry deal for New Brunswick

The Lord government has unveiled it's $250 million dollar plan to help the ailing Forest Industry in New Brunswick.

The plan includes:

-More tree planting on Crown and private woodlands.
-Study for the feasability of burning wood waste for electricity.
-Worker skill upgrading.
-A 5 year guarantee on the amount of wood that can be harvested from N.B forests.
-25% reduction in stumpage fees.
-Money for R&D.

All in all a good plan I think. IMO. Of course i've only seen the media report so far, and will be intrested to see what the industry thinks of it. This is a sector that needs the help of late. Glad the Government moved on this finally. It took awhile coming, and probably won't stop the bleeding everywhere, but hopefully some will survive and prosper, and some new offshoots to this industry will evolve with the R&D money.
I give credit where credit is due, and overall a pretty good plan IMO.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

What are they hiding??

Once again New Brunswick Energy Minister Brunce Fitch refuses to give out any detailed information, on the cost of generating electricity in this province. The PUB is looking for the information to help it decide whether the rate hikes being sought by NB Power are justified. Do you suppose perhaps they are trying to hide some "Miscellaneous" expenses that they'd rather not divulge??? Maybe some expense's having to do with the orimulsion fiasco perhaps??

Someone ought to remind MR. Fitch that NB Power is a Crown Corporation with the "legislated mission to provide for the electricity needs of the Province of New Brunswick." Why don't New Brunswickers have a right to see the facts?? PUBLIC UTILITY Mr. Fitch, not your own personal play toy to do whatever you see fit. Guess he forgot who he works for...........

Boy, crap like this pisses me off.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Tucker Carlson On Canada....

(Reader Alert Non-New Brunswick Content..... for those that have a problem with that....skip this one!)

Bashing Canada

Once again Tucker Carlson has opened his overly large right wing mouth and firmly planted his foot in there. I've been listening to this guy rave and rant like a moron on CNN for years. CNN finally wised up and fired his worthless sorry ass. MSNBC the number 3 of U.S. cable news networks was desperate enough to hire him.

Anyway, he's been raving about us again. At first I was going to write a big long involved tirade, as I was very angry when I first read it. Later, after some reflection, I came to a few realizations.

1) This is obviously an attempt to bolster ratings for his pathetic show on MSNBC. He also has a blog on the site. I'm not going to waste my time linking to it, Search Google if you really care to see it.

2) Carlson has proven in the past to be nothing but a pathetic lap dog for the Republican Party in the U.S. Nuff Said.

3) Carlson, who was a huge supporter of the Bush White House, has lately been trying to distance himself from his past stands, and agreements with the White House. Reading his blog, I see he now is against the Iraq War. Why?? It's been unpopular in the U.S. and I’m sure he wants to try and salvage his "career", and not "go down with the ship" so to speak.

I've decided to simply consider the source, and let his pathetic words speak for themselves. Notice that "R" word that some people hate so much. Is that politically correct these days?? Our Prime Minister criticizes the U.S. for not living up to their negotiated trade agreements, and, Carlson responds with childish name calling???

Since 911, U.S. journalists have been "searching" for the reasons why the U.S.A. is so unpopular around the world. Carlson had a story recently (according to his site) about this very subject. Tucker?? The answer maybe closer than you think bud.......take a look in the's called "attitude."

Send Tucker an email: Tucker Carlson

Monday, December 19, 2005

Need a degree to care for young children??

CBC Story

Well we've pretty much beat this horse to death on this blog, however........In this story, Jean Robinson, a spokesperson for the Fredericton Daycare operators actually had the GALL to say that if you don't have a early childhood development degree you are unqualified to deal with 3 and 4 year old children.

Her Quote:

"I also find that very scary if it's an education degree that this person has to have, because they don't take early childhood development."

Excuse my language, but.......WHAT A LOAD OF BULLSHIT!!
I'm not knocking a degree, as I'm sure it's a wonderful course, with all kinds of wonderful info..........however.......
Someone should ask Ms.Robinson how people cared for, and taught children before the days of "early childhood development" classes.
Pretty self serving crapola from Ms.Robinson if you ask me.......

Yeah I know the main gist of their arguement is that if "Unionized Teachers" are in the mix, less money will be available for fewer children. Fine, by all means make that arguement, but don't throw that other BS in there. That's a ridiculous statement as far as I'm concerned.

Just My Opinion.

Saint John Pension Fund.

Been awfully busy lately getting ready for Christmas, but thought this issue is intresting.

Looks like it's finally caught up with them. The Saint John pension fund is $44 million dollars in the hole, and the council has put off dealing with it for the last two years. The provincial superintendent had ordered the city to start funding $12 million by next month. In the short term the city is going to borrow the money to start paying back into the fund. In the long term the City manager Terry Totten says they could raise taxes, increase contributions and decrease benefits paid out to retired workers. OR they could ask the province to repeal the City of Saint John Pension Act and replace it with new legislation that would give the control of the fund to the City. Union leader Bob Davidson obviously does'nt like this suggestion. Looks like a big fight brewing between the City and it's unions?? This could be a nasty fight me thinks.......Saint John Residents.....hang on!!

Intresting though, how they have all kinds of money to give huge tax breaks to large companies.....but no money for the city pension fund, and residential taxes have to move up big time......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. What's wrong with this picture?????

Saturday, December 17, 2005

English Language Debate..........

Anyone watch tonight’s debate? Any thoughts? I'd like to hear them.

Also wondering if you prefer this format, or the 2004 format? Maybe a mix?? Personally I like the 2004 format better in some respects. Yeah the leaders acted like children, and spoke over one another, etc.........but it was much more lively. Also, in this format there is no 1 on 1 debate, although there was some through the moderator. Basically it's 2 hours of political speeches. That said, I have to say it was a pretty good debate considering the format and circumstances, but no clear "knock out" or defining moment.......Oh, and, I liked the fact that, the questions came from ordinary Canadians. Hopefully the debate in the New year will be even better.

Personally I'd like to see one in this format, and one in the old format. (1 each in both languages.)

That's just me of course........what do you think??

Friday, December 16, 2005

English Debate Tonight.

Tonight's English Language debate is being streamed live by CBC on the net, if anyone is intrested.

Leaders' Debate

Also feel free to post as it goes along.....I'll be here. maybe we can fight it out as we go.....LOL.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

French language Debate

For anyone intrested, the French language debate is being streamed live on the net at Radio-Canada. Here

There is also an English Analysis & Commentary Here

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Bring back the Airborne regiment?

So Stephen Harper wants to bring back the Airborne Regiment. Wondering what people we need one? He also promised to up military spending, and spend some money to replace the old Hercules Aircraft. That seems resonable, as we have a long history of Peacekeeping, and if that is to continue, the military does need equipement to work with. He did say something that I found a bit intresting.
"We need strong Canadian Forces to project Canadian values abroad."

What does that mean?? Sounds like something Bush would say.......just my opinion of course.

I find all these "spending announcements" intresting, considering he's also talking tax cuts. Wonder how he plans on raising the money for all these large projects?

Can you say "deficit spending?"......I knew you could......

Is Bruce Fitch for real????

Story from CBC New Brunswick:
Free market oil prices give consumers cold comfort

CBC have once again taken a look at home heating fuel prices......and once again the numbers show what most of us already knew here in New Brunswick.....We are being gouged by the oil companies.

CBC's numbers:

Average heating oil prices 2002-2005 (cents/litre)
P.E.I. 53.7
Fredericton 55.9
Woodstock 58.2
Sussex 58.6
Edmundston 58.6
St. Stephen 59
Moncton 59.3
Saint John 59.5
Tracadie 60
Campbellton 60.3
Bathurst 61.8
Miramichi 62.1

This of course is the "average", but many times it's a MUCH bigger difference than even these numbers show. Make sure to check out the site above for the full story.

Here we are, with the Largest Canadian Oil refinery in our backyard, in Saint John, and we pay higher prices than P.E.I. (Or pretty much everywhere else in Eastern Canada including Newfoundland,) And most of P.E.I's oil is imported from New Brunswick. According to New Brunswick Energy Minister Bruce Fitch, and I quote...

"The information given to me is that on average the unregulated (New Brunswick) market is lower."

What planet is this man on?? Where in hell does he get his numbers?? Even studies by his own department tell a different story. Someones giving him bad information I'd say.
Maybe it's high time we moved to a regulated price system here in New Brunswick. I'm not normally in favor of more and more government regulation......but sometimes that's all that works. It's no different than gas prices, which are normally higher the closer you get to the refinery. Does it make sense that it gets cheaper the farther you truck it??? I think not.........

Sunday, December 11, 2005

R.I.P Richard Pryor .............

Yeah I know this has nothing to with politics, but it deserves a mention.

Comedian Richard Pryor dies at 65

Pryor was one of my favorite comedians. he was a bit raunchy {not as much by todays standards}, but the humour was always there. He pulled no punches, and was a true great in his field. He will be missed...........

Richard Pryor dies at 65

Friday, December 09, 2005

Dubbya And Company Angry with us??? Awwwww...

Well it would appear that Cheney (You remember Enron Dick right??} and his "puppet" president Dubbya are angry with us....again. Whoopee!!

U.S. said to be deeply angered

Washington furious

Good to see a Canadian Prime Minister standing up to the American Government......even if it just happens to coincidentally be happening during an election. ;)
This latest happens to be over the Kyoto Accord, however, Martin has been taking shots at them recently also over softwood lumber and their ridiculous stand on that issue....."free trade" my ass.

Why do we Canadians have this notion that we need them more than they need us?? We are the single largest supplier of Energy to the U.S. in the world. We supply them with more oil now than Saudi Arabia.

In 2004, Canadian energy exports to the U.S. were valued at over US$50 billion.

Canada supplied the U.S. with:
85 percent of its natural gas imports; or 17% of total U.S. consumption
96 percent of its electricity imports
27 percent of its uranium used in the production of nuclear power and
16 percent of its imports of crude and refined oil products - more than any other country at over 2 million barrels per day.

Important to our economy?? Damned right. But that goes in reverse as well. We've seen how supply problems {or perceived supply problems} of oil alone can make the volitile U.S. markets go into a panic. Maybe we should stop acting like grateful country cousins and take our rightful place in this "partnership". Maybe we should have a "National Energy Holiday" in January or February. On that day, for 24 hours, no oil, gas, or electricity would enter the U.S. Maybe then someone would point out to Bonzo where exactly we are on a map.

Of course, he might have one of his "bad spells" and send in the troops after us......oh wait they are all in Iraq right now.....I think we'd be safe.

Also, when are we going to hear Mr. Harper’s plans on how he'd deal with the American Government on these issues and others?? I bet it involves sucking up.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Same Sex Debate.....back again.

I meant to blog about this earlier, but for some reason forgot to do it. Anyway, I got an email concerning it so thought i'd do it now.

I, like many Canadians thought the Same Sex marriage issue was finally put to rest. Lo and behold Stephen Harper brought it up early on in the campaign. He's going to re-open this issue, and have a free vote if elected. Bottom line is, considering the court rulings on the matter, in order to do anything about it no matter what the vote outcome, he'll have to use the notwithstanding clause. Do we really want a Prime Minister, who would do this? He'd be willing to stomp on the courts, and Canadian's right's simply because of his personal "moral" beliefs. Sounds rather George Bush like to me. And yeah, I find that attitude kind of scary in a "leader".

Don't we have more important issues for Harper to worry about, if indeed he did form a government, than to worry about who is sleeping with who??

Just my opinion.

Handgun Ban?? Are these guys for real??

Ok, what in the hell is with the Liberals on this one????? Do they think we are as stupid as they obviously are?? There are very few circumstances in Canada where you can legally own a handgun now! So 50 of the 74 homicides in Toronto this year were from gun violence. How many of these guns were with "legal" firearms. And how many were "legal" handguns. My bet would be 0. So how does an outright ban on handguns solve the problem?? Isn't his the same old crap we talked about with the gun registry?? You remember that mess don't you?

So, let me get this straight in my own head. Someone who owns a gun legally, and uses it for target practice, target shooting competitions, or in a collection with proper permits now, will be penalized because some criminal scum, uses illegal handguns smuggled into the county to gun down innocent people. Isn't that just brilliant. maybe the Liberals just figure the people in Ontario are to stupid to realize the true facts, and will buy them a few votes. Even the people in Etobicoke, who have been hit hard by shootings can't really believe that this is a solution to the problem do they??

The other part of that announcement makes sense. Do a better job of trying to stop illegal weapons from entering the country in the first place. My only question is....why were we not doing this all along???

You know, I'm for gun control within reason. I do not hunt, and own no weapons. But c'mon, how does more and more controls over legal guns stop criminals from using smuggled weapons?? At least be honest, and don't use false logic to try and back up your position. Geez.........

I guess Martin can kiss a lot of support goodbye from Rural areas, especially in the west, where he just reminded people of the infamous "gun registry" boondoggle. What geniuses are running this campaign anyway?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Speech From The Throne

Emphasis on Education! It's about freaking time!! LOL.

In the Throne speech today:

-The conservatives have made a commitment to a pre-kindergarten program in N.B. Free of charge. (Spinks won't like that....some people that could afford to pay will get something for free.)

-A commitment to improving daycares in the province. More training, and better salaries for workers.

-Money For hospitals and healthcare.

-The tenant-protection laws in the province will also be amended to cover people who live in boarding houses. (Charles Leblanc should be happy with this one.)

-Improved guidelines for government appointments.

All sounds wonderful doesn’t it?? Wonder how much of it they will actually accomplish. We’ll be watching.

Liberals up the ante.

This is like a bidding war. Jack? Stephen? Do I hear 7 Billion??
Paul Martin was in Saint John today to announce a Liberal Government would kick in another 6 Billion dollars for child-care, in 2009 when the current funding ends. This comes the day after Stephen Harper announced if he was elected, a Conservative government would give parents of small children $1200 annually for childcare. Both are good promises, but both could be improved on. Anything that helps with childcare, daycare is good for Canadians IMO. However, I personally like the Liberal plan better,of the two, as the money is directly invested in the system. The conservative plan is more like a "baby bonus" cheque, which won't necessarily be spent where it is intended to be by all parents. That said, finally some policy instead of the same old crap they have been trying to slide by with.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Take the test

Ok, this one is just for fun. :-) has an election quiz posted on their site. I did it and my results were:
Election Quiz #2 Results

You scored 7 out of 10.
Take the test and post your results.

Take The Test

Sunday, December 04, 2005

There's a new Blog in town!

Indecision 2006 is the newest blog for the federal election. Contributors are from across the country. It's just getting started over there but worth a read.

Indecision 2006

Have a look.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Belinda....fighting for her political life?

I dare say the riding of Newmarket-Aurora will be one of the most watched ridings in this election. Belinda Stronach, who crossed the floor back on May 17, 2005, will be fighting a tough battle I expect. Will her constituents hold her to account for her jump? Or will they agree with her move and re-elect her. No matter what the outcome, i'll bet the attacks will come fast and hard from the conservatives.

Story Here

Complimentary Agendas

I thought it was interesting that Buzz Hargrove came out publicly and urged Union people to Vote Liberal in ridings where the NDP can't win. This appears to be one further step, between the separation of Union's support of the NDP. Mostly it's to try to stop the conservatives from not only forming a government, but from even being a large opposition. This of course should come as no surprise, as the right wing policies of Stephen Harper, and the conservatives are just about as far away from the "union" ideals as you can get. That's the view from the outside.

If you look deeper though, I’d bet more important things are at play. Union's, {especially the auto workers, which Hargrove is the leader of} are facing some tough times. With the state of the North American Auto business, it probably will only get worse. This appears to be an attempt to put the auto workers, on Mr. Martin’s agenda in the future. You know, the old you wash my back, I’ll wash yours. Wonder if Union will answer the call???

    About me

    • I'm PoliticsNB
    • From New Brunswick, Canada
    • I'm just a 37 year old average Joe Shmoe voter. I work a 40 hr week, and have no political affiliations. I tend to be center or left of center on most issues, but I do firmly believe in the right of the "rights" to exist. :-) You can also contact me via MSN Messenger.
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