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Tolls, VLT's, and everything between.

Ok this one has been on my mind for awhile.

Back when Bernard Lord was first elected, his major platform was to get rid of the Highway tolls. Personally, I was for the tolls, as I believe a user pay would have been the fairest way to go. The example often used by people is the toll on the highway in Nova Scotia. Personally I don't mind paying that toll one bit. That piece of blacktop is such a sweet ride. Anyone who ever travelled the old highway, knows what i'm talking about.

Anyway, the point is, Bernard Lord took the tolls off and added that debt to the list of things that our tax money is paying for. Now, In the last few years there has been a movement afoot to get rid of VLT's. I'll say up front that i'm not a believer in these bandits. Normally it is the people who can least affoard to use them who pay, and pay dearly. However, the question remains, if VLT's are removed what are we going to replace that revenue with?? What Party has the best platform on how we deal with them? I believe (correct me if i'm wrong) that Graham has said he will "look at it", well not good enough in my opinion. If we get rid of them we also get rid of $50 million or so yearly out of the provincial coffers. What do we cut, or downsize to recover that shortfall? What about 1 or 2 casino's in the province? At least people would have to make a Conscious Decision to go to where these machines are. I want to know what you think, about what the government, or the party who forms the next government can and should do to deal with this issue.

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