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Bernard Lord's Salary

Since I was asked.
We've all seen the stories.

Former Tory minister defend's Lord salary

Lord defends $76,000 political paycheque

I am wondering, does this include expenses, or are they extra?? My guess is they would be extra and not included in these numbers.

Now, do I personally think Mr. Lord is worth close to 200,000 a year?? No I don't. However, I also don't see where he has done anything wrong or against the law. This is not new people, We've heard that Hatfield did the same. My question is, why is Shawn Graham so quiet on this issue??? What about McKenna? Did he get paid for being Premier as well as by the party?? How about Theriault? (Although truthfully he was Premier for so short a time it's doubtful he would have time to collect much.) How about it Mr. Graham?? What say you on this issue??? It seems the CBC doesn’t even touch on that in any of their stories. Slanted a bit there I’d say. (Damn Spinks will love me for that!! LOL)

I don’t agree with it, and admittedly it seems odd that the Premier of one of the countries poorer provinces is taking home the greatest amount of Money. I do believe this should be changed, no question. But I'm not going to crucify Lord, for doing what has been acceptable practice in the past.

Put the heat on the government for changes. I can get behind that. But please stop making on like this is some evil, never heard of before phenomenon here in New Brunswick. It's simply more of the same old thing.

For all of the talk in the recent Federal Election by the Conservatives about accountability, perhaps the Lord government should take a look at how things are being done currently here Provincially and make some changes. I know if I were going to be in for the fight of my political career soon I’d seriously think about it.

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