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Liberals support second nuclear reactor

Well, well, let me stick my hands all the way into the hornets nest. (lol)

The leader of New Brunswick's official opposition Liberal party, has stated that he and his party are in favor of building Pt. Lepreau 2. In the last few years their have been studies, and reports that show the province being short of energy within the next decade. Personally I don't see many other "realistic" alternatives. Yes wind, and solar are fine as supplemetry power, but cannot generate the amounts that will be needed to run this province in the future. Fossil fuels, are getting more expensive, as the supplies are depleted, and lets face it, they are not the cleanest source as far as air, and water pollution. Now, on the flip side of the coin, Nuclear, in the past in New Brunswick, has shown itself to be expensive when it requires maintenance, or even more expensive for unscheduled shut downs. My hope, (and so far in places like Ontario, it seems to be the case with the new refurbed reactors) is that much has been learned about this technology over the years, and some of the issues, that lead to problems with Lepreau have been resolved. Also, lets not guild the lily here, there is the problem of the spent fuel rods, and the long term storage and disposal. Do we have another choice?? Do you think this is the right way for the liberals to be heading? Do you support Lepreau 2, and if not what would you suggest as an alternative.

CBC had a story today about it:Click Here

Statistics Canada has reported that Canadian's energy use has continued to rise in the past year to record numbers, so the conservation message obviously isn't doing the trick. To me it only seems prudent to plan for the future.
More on this : Click Here

I'm intrested in hearing people's thoughts on this one.

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