Michelle Hooton...will she go all the way??......to cabinet
You know, the more I think about this, the more pissed I get. Bernard Lord not only chases Hooton, to get her to Run in this by-election, but he promises her a cabinet position that should rightfully go to Trevor Holder, the Saint John Portland MLA. From what i've heard about Holder, he's actually been a good representative of his constituency. So I guess it's not about what you know or what you've done, but how you look in a skirt that matter in Lord's government.I thought we were starting to get to the point in society, where women actually recieved rewards the same as men for working hard. Michelle Hooton sure knocks that concept down a notch or too. Flash Bernie a little leg, and he gives her what she wants. If that isn't a sad commentary i'm not sure what is. Maybe we have'nt come as far as we thought on the equality and gender issue. You can't say she got this spot on merrit, cause i'll be damned if I can think of ANYTHING she has done in her long ,what is it, year and half on council?????