Anonymous Bloggers
I decided to bring this one to my own blog, after taking part in a discussion about it over at Spink About It
Why is it people like Brent Taylor (I won't link him, as wouldn't want Brent to have to deal with us Anonymous idiots :-) ) feel that if myself or another blogger or commentator does not put his name on his thoughts, then we simply are irrelevant?? Are my thoughts not mine as I write them, with or without my name??
What Brent and others like him seem to forget is politics is not my life. I do not make a living in any way shape or form from politics as he does. I am simply a private citizen who wants to have his say. If you take a look around the blogosphere you’ll notice most of the “big name” bloggers, either in Canada or the U.S. dealing with politics are involved in it in some way or other. Whether it’s first hand, as a serving or former politician , party worker or insider,or as a “paid” commentator in some way, TV, radio, newspapers etc……..there are exceptions of course, but they are few, and far between.
Would I like to put my name on my blog?? Absolutely……..
Can I?? Not without putting my own livelihood and others, on the line. Seems silly? Take a look around……. We are seeing often these days’ people being fired from their jobs for comments posted on their personal blogs, even those that don’t directly impact their jobs…….so the question is……………do I post under a pseudonym and have my say?? Or do I put my own job and those of my co-workers and employer at risk to appease someone like Brent Taylor who given his past political affiliations has already done as much damage to his own reputation as is probably possible?
I think I’ll choose to continue to post my thoughts about politics, politicians, and whatever, for those that enjoy the read, and urge those who are offended by the notion of “Anonymous” bloggers, to kindly not darken my doorstep.
The holier than thou among us, should perhaps reflect on the fact, that perhaps some of us have other commitments more important than our hobby blogs………….it is after all “just politics” to us laymen, not a way of life.
You'll notice that I didn't say only Brent Taylor.......I also mention others.....Taylor is not the first one to mention this, and I have even had some emails on the subject over the past year that this blog has been in existance. Sorry Brent if you feel it was only you I was speaking to.....I've highlighted ther "other" so you don't feel so picked on.**
Why is it people like Brent Taylor (I won't link him, as wouldn't want Brent to have to deal with us Anonymous idiots :-) ) feel that if myself or another blogger or commentator does not put his name on his thoughts, then we simply are irrelevant?? Are my thoughts not mine as I write them, with or without my name??
What Brent and others like him seem to forget is politics is not my life. I do not make a living in any way shape or form from politics as he does. I am simply a private citizen who wants to have his say. If you take a look around the blogosphere you’ll notice most of the “big name” bloggers, either in Canada or the U.S. dealing with politics are involved in it in some way or other. Whether it’s first hand, as a serving or former politician , party worker or insider,or as a “paid” commentator in some way, TV, radio, newspapers etc……..there are exceptions of course, but they are few, and far between.
Would I like to put my name on my blog?? Absolutely……..
Can I?? Not without putting my own livelihood and others, on the line. Seems silly? Take a look around……. We are seeing often these days’ people being fired from their jobs for comments posted on their personal blogs, even those that don’t directly impact their jobs…….so the question is……………do I post under a pseudonym and have my say?? Or do I put my own job and those of my co-workers and employer at risk to appease someone like Brent Taylor who given his past political affiliations has already done as much damage to his own reputation as is probably possible?
I think I’ll choose to continue to post my thoughts about politics, politicians, and whatever, for those that enjoy the read, and urge those who are offended by the notion of “Anonymous” bloggers, to kindly not darken my doorstep.
The holier than thou among us, should perhaps reflect on the fact, that perhaps some of us have other commitments more important than our hobby blogs………….it is after all “just politics” to us laymen, not a way of life.
You'll notice that I didn't say only Brent Taylor.......I also mention others.....Taylor is not the first one to mention this, and I have even had some emails on the subject over the past year that this blog has been in existance. Sorry Brent if you feel it was only you I was speaking to.....I've highlighted ther "other" so you don't feel so picked on.**