Are we really as stupid as politicians think we are?? Part 2
You know i've had many conversations this past week, with people who feel the leaders of the Federal Parties are insulting their intelligence. I mean, one promises a few million for something and the other comes right behind and up's the ante. They must really believe we are all totally stupid!? This is OUR money these BOZO’s are casually tossing around. Why are we not taking them ALL to task when they visit our ridings??? If either party were to actually deliver on 70% of their grandiose promises, you can forget the much criticized "surpluses" of the liberals, and say hello to mucho deficit spending. Any surplus money would be burned up in no time. Both parties are simply trying to promise the world in a desperate attempt to try and convince us THEY are sincere. I'm have never been as disgusted at politicians as I am at these clowns!!
By the way, full marks to the Harper camp. They are keeping Harper’s personal views and ideas out of the daylight, and sticking to the issues. It’s pretty obvious if he opens his yapper, with his actual thoughts, and ideas, and “The World According To Harper” the conservatives would be sunk.
Wow, I didn’t think I could become disillusioned with politicians, but yup……..there it is!!
By the way, full marks to the Harper camp. They are keeping Harper’s personal views and ideas out of the daylight, and sticking to the issues. It’s pretty obvious if he opens his yapper, with his actual thoughts, and ideas, and “The World According To Harper” the conservatives would be sunk.
Wow, I didn’t think I could become disillusioned with politicians, but yup……..there it is!!