I listened to Mr.Graham, and Mr.Lord on Talk Of The Town on Thursday, and I have to be honest....I was impressed with neither of them.
Quite frankly, in my opinion, Shawn Graham seems to spend more time talking about everything Lord has done wrong, than what he would do to improve things. Heck, I can set out a huge list of things that I believe Mr.Lord has done wrong. Does that make me a future Premier?? I want to know concrete things that he would do to improve things for New Brunswick. What would he as Premier, do to make life better for New Brunswickers, that Bernard Lord is not doing, or will not do. He's very good at memorizing facts and figures to get his points across about Mr.Lords "failures", but again I see very little vision in his talk.
Now, Bernard Lord, as always is a good public speaker, no question about it. But THE SPIN, OMG, The SPIN! I almost died laughing when he gave his "take" on the Orimulsion fiasco. He actually insinuated that they would have done the refit anyway, even without Orimulsion. Yeah right. I also found it interesting that the best argument he could put forth for voting for Michelle Hooton was that "she would be a voice in the government." So in other words, this ridings, and the City for that matter, have been ignored, because there wasn’t a member in this particular riding on their side of the House??? Give me a freaking break! We have members of this party in government, and guess what Saint John got, up until Mr.Lord started throwing taxpayer money around to try and influence the vote in this by-election???? Nada, zip, squat.
Wow, so I guess we have a "real" choice to make in the next provincial election. On the left:**Mr.He's bad, really bad, so vote him out, please don't focus on me and my ideas, Or On the Right**Mr. you don't know what you're talking about I've done great things for everyone in this province, so vote for me again.(But please don't look behind that curtain over there. Yes that one. No! don't look! I said don't look! PLEASE DON'T LOOK!!!!")
OK, that's just depressing.
I've recieved a few emails asking if I support the liberals in this by-election. My answer to them and everyone is: I'm not in this riding, therefore my wishes are not important. What it comes down to, is how do the people of this riding feel? Who do they want to represent them in Fredericton? I have my personal opinion on what way i'd like to see this go, but i'm keeping that to myself. I'm not trying to influence anyone. I'm simply putting the issues out there.
Oh, and on a side note, I received an email from someone who sent me an article about Dr.Doherty. I assume they were hoping i'd post a link, and write a blog about it. Sorry "Deep Throat" but I am not spin machine for any Party. Don't waste the clicks. If Shawn Graham ever gets the “Big Job” it’ll be his turn under the microscope. I'm not here to support the Liberals, Conservatives, or NDP for that matter. I'm just calling it as I see it. All just My Humble Opinion.
Have a wonderful day. :-)