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Friday, March 31, 2006

Posting Comments

After some thought, and input from fellow bloggers, I decided to give the Haloscan comments a try. I do miss the thoughtful comments I recieved from most of the people that read here. This seems like a decent compromise between those that choose to remain "anonymous" and for whatever reason choose not get a blogger account, and some form of control over those that simply choose to be disruptive and not part of any real discussion.

I have archived all of the older comments, but if you wish to leave comment, you will need to use the "Comment" link.

Lets try it.


commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

I'm going to try opening this thing back up to all comments using Haloscan......give it a try.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Tanker and The Budget.

So what did we learn today.

First, we learned that Tanker Malley is indeed an opportunist, and will get down and roll in the swill with the best of them. So much for his mighty ideals and concern about his constituents. All he ever really wanted was a "cool" job from the Premier, instead of sitting on the back bench. Oh and his pension of course.

Next, we got good news budget for many. It's full of goodies all over the board for short term gain. Not much in long term planning IMO, so there's no question this is a "pre-election" budget. Spend, spend, spend, on things that the electorate can see quickly. To bad Premier Lord hadn't been working on some of these things for the last 6 or 7 years, instead of one huge "transparent" dash for the election win which he's working hard for now that his Federal hopes have been dashed.

My question is, where in the hell did all this money come from all of a sudden??? I mean we've got squat for the last 7 years, now we're rolling in the dough?? Seems like we've been denied any great amount of spending through the Lord years, because they knew the day would arrive when they would have to "pony up the dough" to win some votes back.
A 6.2 Billion dollar budget, with spending increases in every department, and a projected surplus of $22 Million? With a tax cut??? Excuse me if i'm just a tad bit cynical about the whole thing. Then again, I really shouldn't be surprised right?? This is after all how our system works. The only time any of our money really gets returned to us is during Election run-ups. We should have learned that much from the federal Liberals. They were masters of it. Mr.Lord is just following the traditions set before him. And he's been a fine student. :-)

Look for a fall election folks.

Monday, March 27, 2006

NB Power Changes:

Further to the last blog, I'm also watching the situation with NB Power closely. As my regular readers know, i'm not a huge fan of the way this utility has been run in recent years. We do recieve cheap power all things considered, but that should be the main goal anyway, considering it's a crown corp. and not a private company. Granted, we don't want it to loose money, but there is no need of excessive profits either, as we are the stakeholders here not private shareholders. It really stuck in my craw that these guys would have balls enough to come into a PUB hearing whining about loosing money, all the while they collect handsome bonuses.

This is the list for NB Power from the Press Release:

*the utility must appear before the PUB every three years to publicly outline its programs;
*the cancellation of NB Power's management-bonus program for employees;
*the practice of estimating power bills is ended; (EDIT: This one REALLY REALLY pissed me off while it was in effect)
*the utility must find savings of $20 million internally, which will include a review of the ranks of senior management;
*NB Power must continue to actively and aggressively pursue its legal action against the Venezuelan oil companies over the Orimulsion issue; and
*the utility will step up its activity on finding diversification in its fuel sources, including moving more quickly on installing 400 megawatts of wind power in the province.

That line about saving $20 million internally worries me a bit though. No doubt they can find it and do it, but from the past we should note they have a habit of cutting things like maintenance of the Power Grid, and the plants to help achieve these goals. Hopefully the government will keep an eye out to make sure it's handled properly..

Does this mean no spring election?

Well it appears Bernard Lord and his team have been busy beavers getting together some goodies to try and stave off a spring election.
I'm not going to type out a summary of it, you can see it for your self here:

Office of the Premier

and here:

CBC New Brunswick

Overall it sounds good. I'm especially happy with the Tax cut involving the provincial portion of the HST on heating fuels, and especially with the regulation of heating fuel and gas prices. Of course it doen't really keep prices down over the long term, but it does tend to stop the huge swings in price we see in the market and keeps them at fair market price instead of the gouging we've seen in the past. I'll be interested to hear what the talking heads from Irving Oil have to say. I'm betting they will not be happy campers, as they have always strenously faught ANY move to regulate prices in NB.

It's about time, and it's too bad that Mr.Lord had not acted on some of this before the threat of being forced into an election was upon him. It will be very difficult for Tanker Malley to vote against this budget if this is any indication of what the rest of the budget will look like, IMO. But will he??? I guess we'll see when the full budget comes down. Is it too little to late?? Did Mr.Lord's inattention to the provinces business while he was jockeying for position for the federal job hurt his long term chances here at home?? Will people forgive him, and take the goodies and run, and give him one more term??

Oh and for the record, I thought it was very poor form for Graham to vow to defeat the budget before he's even seen it. At least wait and listen to it in it's entirety before you run your gums. Not very smart Shawn IMO.

Hey hon, can you grow us a roast for supper??

Ok, this has absolutely nothing to do with politics, but it is JUST WRONG!! Gross......

Scientists develop method for home-grown meat

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Dissident Tories to Watch:

{Via Politics Watch}

Top Tory dissidents to watch

IMO this might be the big story of the New Parliament. It will be very interesting to watch Stephen Harper walk the minefield within his own ranks. I've been debating whether he will be able to keep it all together over the long haul. My Head says yes, but my gut isn't so sure. One thing is certain it is going to be a job in itself. There just seems to be such a large spread of idology within his group of MP's. In a minority though, I would guess they would "try" and watch their P's & Q's , but ya just never know.

Friday, March 24, 2006

WTF??? Harper spent all the money before he landed in Saint John??

Well, it appears I spoke to soon last night. So much for Harper keeping his commitments. He gives Lord's area in Moncton $6 million for a new sports complex, and give Saint John $3 million towards an $88 million dollar project to clean the raw sewage that runs untreated into the harbor everyday???? I mean think about this!! Here in Saint John we have Human Feces, and "other" waste draining through the middle of our city, into our harbor, and a F***ing Sports complex in Moncton receives more money and a bigger Federal commitment??? 2008 World Junior Track and Field Games??? Yeah that's a priority. Sorry, I’m not honestly not against Moncton, nor the sports complex, but it's the priority that pisses me off. Oh and Bernie pledged $5 million if the bid for the games is successful. Gimme a freakin break!

Bernard Lord was confused by his Saint John Harbour loss in the by-election??? He better get used to it. It's gonna be a RED TIDE come election night in New Brunswick. Lord got his people their money for their sports complex.........enjoy it. When the New Brunswick electorate is finished with Bernard Lord election time he'll need the connections in Moncton to get a job. I've decided to work for the Liberals come election time. Damn the party crap, this bird HAS TO GO My personal pledge to Mr. Bernard Lord. I am going to do everything in my power to make sure you are routed in the next election. I'll bang on as many GD doors in New Brunswick as it takes. You thought Charlie Leblanc was your nightmare??? You ain't seen nothing yet Mr. Premier! Shawn Graham's camp will be getting a call when the time comes.

I'm working on a couple of ideas to help defeat the Lord Government. Check back next week. We're gonna really open his freakin eyes!

As for Stephen Harper???? I hoped for more and expected nothing. Good thing I was realistic eh?? More of the same old CRAPOLA but in a blue tie. People can't even use the excuse about "electing a Liberal" instead of a conservative. The other two cities that received the funding they went looking for got it, Liberal MLA's and all. Instead of the Hilton, perhaps we should have had the "ceremony" where the "shit meets the sheets." Let him get a whiff of it, and then ask Stephen Harper where the priority should be!!

I'm totally disgusted. I guess I shouldn't be........why expect more from these two clowns. I'm pissed…….and I'm going to do something about it, not just bitch about it. This CRAP (excuse the pun) has to stop!

Enjoy your private bathrooms, you’ll not be using them much longer.


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Harper Rides Into Town With Gifts.

Well, the word is that PM Harper is coming to town tomorrow, and he'll be baring mucho gifts. I heard the Liberal Paul Zed, and others saying that it's simply the money that was already earmarked for the city by the previous government. And of course Lord, and Mayor McFarlane saying it's new money from the conservative government. I tend to think it's a bit more of the first, since we haven’t even got to Parliament yet, would it make sense that Harper is doling out new funds already?? I mean they wouldn’t even have all their committees etc. in place yet would they? Perhaps, I’m wrong. We'll probably never know for sure. Either way, it's good to see Harper honoring his commitments made in the Province during the election. I'll give him points for that at least. Then again, as I was cautioned in a previous blog, you can’t judge a government simply by a single act, so I’ll not get too excited about it. :)

I like many, have been hearing the rumor that perhaps we'll be into a Provincial election shortly by Mr. Lord’s choosing, and not by the hand of Tanker Malley. Could this quick infusion of funds be a bit of payback for Mr. Lord’s endorsement during the election??? Awww, that would be awfully cynical of me now wouldn't it?? I can't imagine his endorsement is really worth that much money anyway.

The question is, will this really help the Lord government in an election if it does indeed get called? I tend to think, probably not.....but then again the electorate is a strange beast sometimes.

By the way, can anybody fill me in as to where and why Fredericton needs another bypass?? I haven't heard anything about it until it hit the news today. Not saying it’s not needed, but would like some more information about the project if it’s available.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Harper & Emerson Break No Rules.....

Which leads me to ask why the big outcry from the Harper camp to begin with???

The Ethics Czar Shapiro released his report today which states that Neither Harper nor Emerson breached and rules in this affair. However, Shapiro did call on the parliament to hold a debate on the practice of switching parties, and crossing the floor. Personally I have a problem with any member crossing the floor to gain a cabinet post, whether it is Stronach, or Emerson. It just smacks of opportunism, greed and lust for power. I like the idea of members having to sit as independents until a by-election is held. We'll see if the man who has billed himself as Mr.Ethics and accountabilty will tackle the issue at all. I somehow doubt it......but we'll see.

I suspect this is likely the last report from this ethics commisioner we'll see. I wonder who will replace him. Anybody here any names being kicked around??

Ex-PM does it for sex pros

Ok, this was just tooooo damn funny not to share...........LMAO

Ottawa Sun

I knew there was something strange about that Harper guy........hahaha.....

Saturday, March 18, 2006

A note about the comments.

In the last few days i have recieved 5 emails from people asking me to open the blog back up to Anonymous comments. Sorry guys, but it will remain as is. Not a single email I recieved was from an ISP email, but infact from yahoo, hotmail, and gmail, with a made up name. What I simply do not understand is why you guys cannot do the same thing and sign up with that same email or another free one and get a blogger name. It makes it much easier for others to reply to your comments if they have some sort of moniker or name to separate the commentors. I actually miss the commentary you guys provided, but it simply is too difficult to work with the Anonymous post open.

Sorry, but it will remain as it is. Hoping you guys will take a few minutes to get a name and join in the discussion. Someone's gotta get back in here and balance all of my "Right Wing" commentators here! :-)

Get a free blogger account HERE.


Friday, March 17, 2006

Harper Continues to Muzzle his team.

{Via CTV}

Harper tightens leash on his ministers:

Well no surprise here really. Taking a page from the successful election Campaign, Stephen Harper, is intent to make sure that his more "radical" members of his party keep their mouths shut. Yes sir, we wouldn't want the people who voted these guys into office to actually hear what they think about particular issues would we?? Heck if they had done that during the last election they probaly wouldn't be on the Government side of the house now. No, there is no arguing with success. The story mentions "Focus". That's the name of the game alright. Keep em quiet Steve'O and maybe you'll keep enough people in the dark to get your majority in the next election. That's your only real focus isn't it?? Then you really get down to your true objectives right??

One has to wonder what the long term response of the MSM will be, to being treated like Mushrooms. (You know kept in the dark and fed sh*t?) He and his Party were left pretty much alone during the election campaign and allowed to play this hide and seek game. I have to wonder how long before the media turns on them and goes for the throat in response to their banishment.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Bob Rae to decide in days.

{Via CTV}

Rae will decide on Liberal bid in next few days

Does anyone think when push comes to shove former Ontario NDP premier Bob Rae really has a chance in the Liberal leadership race??? I simply can't imagine that with his baggage of his economic record in Ontario that he'll really be taken seriously in the race for the leadership??? Don't get me wrong, personally I like Rae, he's a smart guy, and in all honesty he wasn't completely to blame for the promblems faced by his government at the time, but I have to think it will shadow him in any leadership contest. It's an easy mark to hit and score points. Stay tuned......

Politics + Manure....

{Via CBC}

Brothers charged after manure dumped outside Emerson's office

Ummmmm, is it wrong that I find this a tad amusing??? I mean, I know as an adult that this is exactly the wrong way to get a point across. sums it up pretty well IMO. The spray painting was over the top though.....I can't defend vandalism of course.......the manure probably would have got the point across.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Maritime Union.

Canadian Sentinel , has a discussion going on his blog concerning the idea of Maritime Union between the Provinces. Give it a read:

The Canadian Sentinel

I like the basic premise, always have, but I simply do not seeing it ever happening, at least in my lifetime.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Should we have a debate about Our troops in Afghanistan?

I'm really wondering what everyone thinks about this.
First off, let me say that I support our troops 101% at all times wherever they are called on to serve. I have never questioned the motives that took the U.S. into Afghanistan, as after Sept 11 who could blame them. I thought from day one that we should be there to aid and support the U.S. in Afghanistan. However, now the American's are pulling out, leaving a mess, and as usual, asking other countries to clean up their mess. We know why of course, as they have another mess of their own creation in Iraq. Our troops are being asked to put their lives on the line, simply because the U.S. is losing the belly to finish what they started.

I don't question the motives of the Canadian Armed Forces, the government, and the reasons we went there in the first place. BUT, lets face some simple facts. The Canadian troops do not have the equipment nor the numbers to be effective against the enemy they are currently facing, as the Anchor in this fight. The Russians tried years ago against the Taliban, as we all know, and with all their firepower, and numbers were still defeated.

Anyhow, the NDP and some Liberals are asking for a debate on the issue, but Peter MacKay says that could undermine the Mission. The latest polls show the country is split on the issue.
I don't have the answer, but I fear Canadians support for this mission will diminish quickly if our boys start being sent home in large numbers in body bags. God Forbid! I hope everyone joins me in wishing all of our troops a safe return and a successful mission. But I can't help but think we are biting off more than we can chew at this time. IMO, We simply do not have the equipment to keep our boys safe, and see this through to a successful conclusion. I sure hope time proves me wrong on this one.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

95% Vote No To Emerson in Mock Byelection.

{Via CBC }

Yesterday more than 900 people in the riding of Vancouver-Kingsway held a mock byelection, and voted over 95% for Emerson to step down and run in a real byelection.

As I commented on another blog yesterday I'm amazed that this story has kept this kind of momentum for so long. I honestly (like many) thought that it would quiet down at least until the house was back. Interestingly, it's the voters themselves in this riding keeping it alive more than the media. I think Mr.Emerson's ride will become bumpier yet. Wonder what happens the first time he has to meet his constituents face to face. There's no question that there is alot of anger in this traditionally Liberal Riding. I bet Emerson and Harper's decision to "not" co-operate with the Ethics Commissioner won't sit well here either.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Harper "loath" to co-operate with Ethics commissioner.

Surprise surprise, Mr.Ethics and accountability does'nt want to co-operate with the ethics commissioner concerning his investigation of the David Emerson debacle.

Harper 'loath' to co-operate with ethics commissioner

PMO says it won't co-operate as ethics czar looks into Emerson defection

Harper to be investigated by ethics commissioner

Ummm, so Harper has no confidence in Shapiro, the ethics czar that ALL parties voted for the job in the first place??? Gimme a break........
Who exactly does Stephen Harper think he is anyway??? Little Dictator of Canada?? If he refuses to co-operate, he calls into question the entire system, as well as shooting down whatever credibility he has. So much for ethics eh?? I'm sure he'll welcome an investigation of the situation though, as soon as he replaces Shapiro with someone a "bit" more sympathetic to the conservative party.

And then they wonder why people are so sceptical of politicians.

And so it begins.......

{Via CBC Potential Liberal leadership candidates test support }

Many "potential" candidates turned out at this event in Halifax today. Stronach, Brison, Dryden, Ignatieff, and Martha Hall Findlay the only declared candidate so far. They spent the day mixing and one would assume gauging support.

It is intresting to note the two former candidates for the Conservative leadership, Stronach, and Brison as possible contenders to head the Liberals. That could lead to some nasty fighting for sure in a leadership contest. Stay tuned!

The McCartney's in Canada.

Anyone watch these two "prizes" on CNN last night with Larry King?? I'm not going to post a ton about it as the bloggers are having a field day with it, and there are plenty more, with better knowledge of the entire situation than me, a mainlander from NB.
Check out:
Liam @ The Responsible Government League

Ed Hollett @ The Sir Robert Bond Papers

"Sir" Paul actually DID know he was in Canada, (Probably because someone gave him a sweatshirt for him to wear on tv) but had a hard time figuring out where in Canada he was. P.E.I or Newfoundland??

Heather Mills McCartney revealed what a shrill, irratating, annoying person she really is. All I can say, is Danny Williams did a good job considering what he had to contend with. King was showing his bias towards the McCartney's BIG time.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Bernard Lord's Salary

Since I was asked.
We've all seen the stories.

Former Tory minister defend's Lord salary

Lord defends $76,000 political paycheque

I am wondering, does this include expenses, or are they extra?? My guess is they would be extra and not included in these numbers.

Now, do I personally think Mr. Lord is worth close to 200,000 a year?? No I don't. However, I also don't see where he has done anything wrong or against the law. This is not new people, We've heard that Hatfield did the same. My question is, why is Shawn Graham so quiet on this issue??? What about McKenna? Did he get paid for being Premier as well as by the party?? How about Theriault? (Although truthfully he was Premier for so short a time it's doubtful he would have time to collect much.) How about it Mr. Graham?? What say you on this issue??? It seems the CBC doesn’t even touch on that in any of their stories. Slanted a bit there I’d say. (Damn Spinks will love me for that!! LOL)

I don’t agree with it, and admittedly it seems odd that the Premier of one of the countries poorer provinces is taking home the greatest amount of Money. I do believe this should be changed, no question. But I'm not going to crucify Lord, for doing what has been acceptable practice in the past.

Put the heat on the government for changes. I can get behind that. But please stop making on like this is some evil, never heard of before phenomenon here in New Brunswick. It's simply more of the same old thing.

For all of the talk in the recent Federal Election by the Conservatives about accountability, perhaps the Lord government should take a look at how things are being done currently here Provincially and make some changes. I know if I were going to be in for the fight of my political career soon I’d seriously think about it.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Maritime Web Forum.

Click to go to "The-Party"

This is a great maritime web forum setup by capebretoner. Take a few minutes to sign up. There is a ton of content inside.

Well worth a visit. Like me, you may even choose to stay and hang your hat there. :-)

Make sure to check out The Forum
Tell em Politicsnb sent ya!

See you there!

    About me

    • I'm PoliticsNB
    • From New Brunswick, Canada
    • I'm just a 37 year old average Joe Shmoe voter. I work a 40 hr week, and have no political affiliations. I tend to be center or left of center on most issues, but I do firmly believe in the right of the "rights" to exist. :-) You can also contact me via MSN Messenger.
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